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  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @Xavier1234567890 This is not a ped, this is a suit made for mp character model. I transfered this particular costume from the daz studio, it is not publicly available

    marzec 27, 2024
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @iammistahwolf I sent you a file on discord

    styczeń 25, 2024
  • 3a28a2 32432423423
    Komentarz przypięty

    Important information!!!
    These animations do not involve the weapon bone, causing the weapon to be positioned incorrectly (Initially I wanted to release these animations when I fixed everything, but I understand that this will not be soon). There’s no point in waiting for these problems to be fixed in the near future, because I already have too large a list of animations that I plan to transfer to the game, but I don’t have much free time

    grudzień 21, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @iammistahwolf You can replace basic animations for these, but it will work crookedly, at least because of the different positions of standard animations and custom animations in space. Scripts are required to use animations in gameplay. I personally don’t do scripts myself. at this stage these are just animations that can be useful mainly for machinimators (for whom I am actually transferring these animations)
    Regarding the second question, I transfered model of shorts from some third-party model from the Internet (I can’t say exactly what model it was, because I just don’t remember it). If you really need a model of these shorts, I can send you one (it’s better to write to me on discord about this. nickname is the same as here)

    grudzień 17, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @Rangoyaa нужно убрать из анимации корневое движение. если тебе нужно убрать непосредственно в игре, без использования 3д редакторов, то как вариант можно поэкспериментировать с флагами запуска анимации ( тут я тебе сейчас точно не подскажу, какой именно флаг убирает корневое движение, так как давно уже с флагами не работал).

    listopad 17, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @LENBRAPmodOff There are two ways how this can be done. The first way is to simply turn off the collision of the item. second way, use a special flag for animation (in menyoo it 512 or 1024 flag)

    wrzesień 20, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @Shotbyge3k most important thing is to set the right position. I do it through menyoo sequences. I set the teleport to a certain position, then I set face direction ( i do this for both ( or more) peds) and then correct teleport\face direction position if animations plays not corectly. but in general, you can write the appropriate script, where you can score the desired coordinates. for example, you can check how standard rockstar melee finisher animations are launched and repeat it

    marzec 22, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @DJ-LEXX модель да, взята из splinter cell. по поводу ссылки, дать ее не могу, т.к. ее в принципе нет, я переносил ее под свои машинима проекты и нигде ее не выкладывал. но если она тебе так нужна, то можешь мне в дискорде написать, я ее тебе через личку скину ( мой ник в дискорде "BoringNeptune (Денис)#4294" )

    styczeń 15, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @timelessaru spray paint animation, it is a ingame animation added with the release of cayo perico or something like that. so this animation is already in the game

    styczeń 07, 2023
  • 3a28a2 32432423423

    @ardabuddy It's just animation, nothing more. if you need to embed animations into gameplay, you need to write scripts. I do not do this. about how and where you can play animations, you need a menyoo, or its analogue with the function of playing animations. option to play animations ( for menyoo) can be found in the ped options.

    grudzień 06, 2022