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Faz da PMESP por favor, seus mods são incriveis
@F7YO What the gameconfig and popgroups exactly does?
Looks fine but it is too sharp
@baba0rum Replaces which vehicle?
@RkrdM Updates?
@9lXA It replaces which vehicle?
@piano_man An other guy created a better snow mod with just a script, so i think my mod is dead now.
@jun1or3 Perfect, but in my opnion the traction is too low
@Philiplis Send me the log file "d3d9.txt" or something like, and I'll see what I can do or you could try to download the latest version of SweetFX here https://sfx.thelazy.net/downloads/, install the reshade and just replace the SweetFX_settings.txt in "SweetFX" folder.
@Philiplis Read the description and you'll find "how to uninstall". Thanks