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Hey @Nivinha i just wanted know if Will you be able to import one of your characters onto PS3? Please I am too curious answers me :()
Hey my dudeee you can aslo made the bunny of d.va pleaseez?
Hey @Nivinha quick question. What is jiggle1 and jiggle2 folders? .
We need install just one ??
We also need Eva pleaseeeeee. Before the remake xD
@Bryan55 open the openIV . go down in the list .you will find the game files. then press copy files to mod folder
@Nivinha I wanted say thank you for your mod.
I shared a picture of your mod that I captured in my game and i shared it in steam.
thanks to this and the peoples . I got several badges that allowed me to get a lot of points.
jackpot baby!!!
Take my point.
Golden unicorn.
Super star .
Extra helpful x2 .
Mad Scientist.
but i dont know why steam have deleted the picture without saying anything
diiiiiii.......... diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......... diiiiiiiiiiiii................ moahahaha
hey @Nivinha when you say it is compatible with the mod 3.0 you meant that the 2 mods do not modify the same outfit?
@Nivinha between all the thick mod that I have tried, this one is my favorite.
but there not at lot clothes compatible with this body. I hope you will make more outfits to adapted to this mod
i mean thanks for all your free mods
@Nivinha HEY I think I understand what you mean.BY (problem texture )some of the modified outfits seem to be broken its that ?