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    @SkylineGTRFreak there is a bug in your afterburner script, after you stop using the throttle and brake the afterburner doesnt shut off like it does in original gta 5 aircraft, and afterwards it doesnt start again, it remains in idle, just wanted to let you know :)

    marzec 21, 2017
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    @LeFix i just redownloaded your file and i see that you made a readme for reallifebrands but did not include the actual logos, is this because of the file limit? or did you just forgot?
    anyway thanks for making my work matter! :)

    marzec 19, 2017
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    @LeFix before adding the updated files could you add new dlc vehicles to MaxRpm and Brands?
    ;SUPER GP1=70; GP1=Progen

    marzec 18, 2017
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    @LeFix im already done with it, i will send them to you right now :)

    marzec 13, 2017
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    @nkjellman there is support for added brands, you just have to make an additional brand logo in the same size as the other logos, than number the brand and add to vehicle of choice in ini file
    @LeFix i tweaked all vehicles MaxRPM as shown on their dashboard, i got the last remaining vehicles brand logos (including wastelander) i made Pedal and Metal logo for bicycle.
    i can also make additional brand logos (real life) since i can understand that most people dont know how to make such, let me know if your interested? :)

    marzec 10, 2017
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    awesome mod together with simple fuel!
    @LeFix for the vehicle brands not all vehicles were mentioned in .ini and alot were empty, i have tweaked this and got all vehicles with their brands + speedophile brand for seashark wich was not included, if you want you can have this and include it in the download? just a thought :)

    marzec 06, 2017
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    could you add to disable this while in a mission since when you die the game ask to retry and sets you somewhere relevant but with this mod enabled you spawn completely different, wich is kinda annoying ;p
    while not on a mission this is an awesome mod!

    luty 26, 2017