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    @R3D Problema e ca atunci cand dau start la joc imi redescarca fisierele si mi-l dezinstaleaza...

    wrzesień 16, 2015
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    Eheeeee:)) In sfarsit, un mod facut de un roman

    wrzesień 15, 2015
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    @Opportunity_Knocks No. If you want to go back to your settings you will need settings.xml too, but for installing, yes, you will need for GPU code.

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    Soon the Version 2.0 will be released. Highlights: Adding more customization to the mod: High and Low and more! Stay tunned for updates.

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    @Combi No. If you want to increase graphics you have to change the graphics in settings.xml but I don't recommend this. If you set it to Read Only, the game won't modify the settings.xml. If the settings.xml is not set to read only and you will change some settings In Game, settings.xml will reset to the basic version.

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    @kasra_darktroll Yes. You will have 60fps. I already have 60 fps with High settings (without textures). I don't know if you have to disable your ENB. If you bought the game and you want to play Online, I think you have to disable it to avoid a ban. This mod is Online Free. I played a lot and I didn't get banned. If you'll ask rockstar if you will get banned for using my mod, they will say yes because they don't give a fuck about modding. I played 100+h in online with my mod and I didn't get banned.

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    @Combi Yeah... I helps. At Trevor's House without my mod I get like 35-40 fps and with my mod I get 65-60... And I had 5 google chrome pages in background, Steam was downloading a game...

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    @Combi Try it by yourself. Ok. Basicaly, I just reduced some shodow distance rendering, texture rendering and some objects, like bottles, papers etc. You will see a difference only if you pay a huge attention to the details. HD Low end has a bug that it generates some buggy textures in wilderness because the texture render distance was so low and I increased to not be visible as much. This is not like HD Low end, it's like Entry to Mid range HD. I will work soon to make something like HD Low end for integrated GPUs and very low end GPU.

    wrzesień 07, 2015
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    I tried it and it works pretty well. It's weird that in some cases, some textures pop out of no where and it's so weird. Can you tell me how do I increase the range of view? To see more textures in the distance?

    wrzesień 06, 2015