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    does this conflict with LSPD:FR like native trainer.asi does? the only reason i am even updating to another trainer is because the F4 key seems to be the one to boot up LSPD:FR but its also the key that opens NativeTrainer. so i need to find a Trainer i can switch the keybind to open or just one that can be enabled/disabled ingame. PLEASE LMK
    Thanks in advance

    marzec 07, 2016
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    quick question can i still turn into the crow or seagull like i can with native trainer? i have to switch to another trainer because its conflicting in a keybind with LSPD:FR and i have to install a trainer i can shutoff and turn back on ingame whenever so i can use lspd:fr. please lmk i would like to know if it has all the same features that native trainer.asi does, which i am sure, but i want to double check that it can be shutoff and turned back on ingame as wel as by editing the ini file

    marzec 07, 2016
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    i LOVE this it lets me wreak SOOOO much more havoc. just like i could in the EU

    marzec 03, 2016
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    wil this give a better or worse framerate? if it affects at all. would like to find stuff to make it a little easier on my gpu if possible.

    marzec 03, 2016