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@BOJANTHANGZ @Jack957. I've quit modding and playing this game. Rockstar keeps breaking stuff with each update and I don't have time to check out what they broke. Wish I did but who's to say what I fix won't be broken again in a month. I don't even have the space to download the game again right now.
@Skullxfy Hmm, I was going to say my mod doesn't have anything to do with the outside road, but it does in fact because a lot of the grass next to the sidewalks goes through the exterior of the building, so I had to cut and delete some of the drawable and collision so you wouldn't see it and also run into it. I'm not really sure why the R* update messed things up for a lot of map mods. I'm intrigued so will try to see what's up as soon as I can.
So you are saying it's ONLY the outside area that has no collision, and that the inside worked fine? Did you by chance go to the back lot area and if you did was the collisions there or also missing?
@Skullxfy Do you mean inside my interior or the surrounding area? I've read on the forums that missing collisions is an issue since the last R* update. I will have to reinstall gta5 on my PC to check the issue, so please be more precise telling me what is your issue. It might be a week or so before I get to doing that though. If you want to try fixing it yourself have a look at this thread to see what other people have done for other map mods to get them working again https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/36980/falling-through-the-ground-on-add-on-maps-but-can-see-them
@TM1195 Put the flag 18612259 on the chairs you don't want peds to spawn on in the CEntityDef in the ytyp if you know how and where to edit the ytyp directly in OpenIV. Or you can do this pretty easy using CodeWalker to load up the mlo and then edit the flags of the chairs then save the new ytyp and insert it in place of mine.
@TM1195 There is a flag you can add to the chairs to keep peds from spawning in them. I don't recall what it is right now but I can check and let you know what it is and how to add it.
@TM1195 That's because there isn't a floor in Mosleys auto shop in the vanilla game since there is no interior there. My mod doesn't modify that area, so if there is a mod at that location then that is where the conflict is. You would need to only use one of the mods. It would be a pain to make them compatible with each other since I don't have the time to mod anymore right now.
@kingneak85 Based on many comment in the crackhouse mod it doesn't work like it should plus removes some other stuff in the area. I wouldn't be willing to make it work, but will see if I have time to make something, can't make any promises though, and no need to pay if I do make something.
@LePlay14 Why would you give 2.5 stars because it doesn't state it is made specifically for FiveM? This site isn't for FiveM mods, it's for singleplayer mods. Anyways, you can use it on FiveM, I know a few people that installed this on their servers. I don't use FiveM yet so don't know how to make FiveM specific mods.
@MrTwiz Yes it is possible. You would need to just use the grovestreetgarageupgrades ymap and put it i to your custom_maps folder. You would most likely also need to take the edits to the vanilla outside to get rid of the concrete dividers because I think some of them might interfere with some objects I added. Not 100% sure on that unless I check it out which I could do later this weekend. I would also be able to tell you which files to replace to get rid of the concrete dividers strewn all over the lot when I do that. You can try to just add the grovestreetgarageupgrades ymap to your custom_maps folder without the other files to see what happens.
@AxelEurope The textures were embedded while using 3DS Max and GIMS Evo. I honestly don't know how to change them using OpenIV.