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    @ikt well that fixed it. I turned off combined pedals in the Logitech Profiler and it worked. No more negative red bar and no more racing. Thanks for the tip! :)

    wrzesień 14, 2018
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    @ikt sorry for the late reply. I've been away from home the last week. I didn't know what you meant by 'capture' so I just recorded two video's, one from inside the vehicle and one from the outside:

    Inside: https://streamable.com/34xlr
    Outside: https://streamable.com/t7bld

    I have a few mods installed, but only eyecandy. The SSR message pops up because I used F9 to start recording. What I'm doing in the video's is basically floor it, then no gas at all, and then floor it again. The second time I press the gas pedal all the way down is when it happens.

    To answer your previous questions:
    "When it happens, does it feel like the car is accelerating, or some magic force is pushing the car?"
    > I'd say it feels like a magic force is pushing it.

    "Does the car leave tire marks on the ground when this happens?"
    > It does.

    wrzesień 13, 2018
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    Love the mod! Really amazing work!

    I do have one minor issue which I can sometimes replicate and sometimes it seems to just happen randomly. I've been browsing the comments for a similar bug report and I found one on 25th of July by Fangog.

    I noticed you've added a hard rev limiter option after that so I figured that would fix it for me as well but that doesn't seem to do anything.

    My vehicle seems to (sometimes..) speed up to beyond 200km/h when it hits its rev limit. It happens most often in automatic mode when I floor the pedal. But in sequential, when I shift down it will sometimes happen as well, or when I just keep the pedal pressed and the revs go into the red zone. Also noticed that it activates this racer mode when I tap the throttle pedal multiple times.

    So I can sometimes replicate it by accelerating like crazy and flooring the pedal, or by just tapping the pedal multiple times. I do this for example in slow traffic when swerving around other cars.

    What I tried:
    - Hard Rev Limiter off/on
    - Turning the mod off/on
    - Restarting GTA 5
    - Uninstall / Install the mod
    - Disable other mods
    - Install Realistic Driving V mod

    I am using a fairly clean GTA 5 installation. Only other mods are VisualV, ENB/Reshade, Natural Vision Remastered.
    I've tried it without all these mods and it seems to happen as well.

    Logs and setting files:
    - Gears.log - https://pastebin.com/Jw1Zbpi9
    - settings_general.ini - https://pastebin.com/tdx0xRdE
    - settings_wheel.ini - https://pastebin.com/byD24cTY

    wrzesień 02, 2018