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im getting err_mem_embeddedalloc_free_2 im getting frustrated! idk if its the gameconfig or not, i literally have 1 mod and i cant get another one to work.
ugh im sick of tired getting the error EER_MEM_EMBEDDEDALLOC_FREE_2 Game memory error, i just want to play gta 5 already! idk whats going on.
@F7YO oh okay, i'll reinstall all my mods and see what happens next
@F7YO well, can u tell me how to get out of an infinite loading screen?
my game doesn't crash but is in an infinite loading loop. does anyone know how to at least solve the issue?
@michaelh73 there's a lot of vanilla cars that looks awesome! i personally go for vanilla ones
ive been waiting for this mod to come out in gta and now im happy! now we need taxi version :D
i think this would be perfect if someone created this irl, would be like a 3 wheeled scooter!
i just realized this, but most of the cars were from max payne 3!
till this day, this minivan or however someone wants to call it still has no issues being in a beta stage