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Finally ! Trevor got the hype cloth ! and i need that pants too man ? please send me 4fa.crew@gmail.com , thank you man
Terusin lah bang , kasik Tshirt yg lagi rame dipake di Indo apa gitu terserah
mantap sam
can somebody help me , i can't enter the game , crash when loading
so dope , btw can you give me the link of that Thug CJ ? :v
nice mod ! btw how you use that pose of standing ?
@ray56 kalo modder indo mah udah ada dr dulu bro , nah yg skin indonesian itu ? tapi masih banyak modder San Andreas sih kalo indo hhehe
@Troublesome96 thanks a lot bro :D
@Troublesome96 what trainer bro ?
how i use it for franklin in the game , the head bandana hhehe ? reply please :'D