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Alpha 1.0
By heartgg

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1 788
Alpha 1.1
By heartgg
@DJ-LEXX I'll go over the locations again and see which ones aren't properly spawning things
@DJ-LEXX Not sure... is that blip near where the body was or was it totally off?
@DJ-LEXX I think I found the problem. The new file will be uploaded soon.
@DJ-LEXX When did you get this error? Did you edit the XML file in any way?
Alpha 1.0 Fix should fix the issue with the system.IO error
@Lokuras I found the cause of the issue, will update ASAP.
@Amenomaru I actually had an engine on/off and a speed limiter but I decided to just make this mod for blinkers/lights as there are already more advanced and better mods out there that give you more vehicle controls (engine, seatbelt, park brakes, etc. ). I might make a mod in the future to cover all of that but it will probably not be in this one. However, I can try and get the interior lighting working in a future update :D
1.1 Should fix the errors coming up when you are not in a car!
@Ghatakvga Which controller buttons should be used to turn the blinkers on?
@Hugo_Agante I can definitely look into the break lights. Not sure about GTA 4 style