Marcopolo Viale OH-1420 [Replace | Livery | Unlocked] 0.85 RC
3 861
3 861
Mod Description
Guess who's back!
,So this is my fourth convert to GTA V, done in a hurry, as always, has most features working, and since i had less time, i only managed to do 2 liveries. Originally a paid mod, managed to get around with the original author to get it for free and public.
But still, it has some perks and those are :
Sometimes, dials won't be visible LOD0 only, many buses will affect performance greatly. (But not as bad as the Vitória, since this one has half the polygon quantity
If those bugs are fine with you , then download it and enjoy something that isn't some rubbish Turkish bus convert.
Bus Features
Everything on the interior works like it should, mirrors reflect realistically, dashboard lights up at night and completely works, incluiding those little lights, and steering wheel fits right on player's hands. The model burns and deforms correctly, with the engine's area more black than the interior, and the interior gets less deformed than the exterior. Breakable glass, and dirt mapping on chassis and windows.
Almost every feature of the GTA V bus is on my Viale! Well, except the feature of opening the boot and bonnet, because there's nothing behind 'em....
You won't need to change dials
Managed to use original bus dials with no problem, instead of using taxi's dials.
Real size, similar to original GTA V bus.
The player enters the bus correctly by the front doors, and even uses the stairs behind the doors! Small details...
Original 3D model, GTA SA/OMSI convert : FLD Design
GTA V Convert : SerranitaMods
Feel free to share or to modify my mod, while keeping credits!
Hope that you enjoy my mod! I don't care about setting a PayPal page, the only way to support me, is by sharing my mods!
Mod Description
Guess who's back!
,So this is my fourth convert to GTA V, done in a hurry, as always, has most features working, and since i had less time, i only managed to do 2 liveries. Originally a paid mod, managed to get around with the original author to get it for free and public.
But still, it has some perks and those are :
If those bugs are fine with you , then download it and enjoy something that isn't some rubbish Turkish bus convert.
Bus Features
Almost every feature of the GTA V bus is on my Viale! Well, except the feature of opening the boot and bonnet, because there's nothing behind 'em....
Managed to use original bus dials with no problem, instead of using taxi's dials.
The player enters the bus correctly by the front doors, and even uses the stairs behind the doors! Small details...
Original 3D model, GTA SA/OMSI convert : FLD Design
GTA V Convert : SerranitaMods
Feel free to share or to modify my mod, while keeping credits!
Hope that you enjoy my mod! I don't care about setting a PayPal page, the only way to support me, is by sharing my mods!
Dodano: lipiec 06, 2017
Ostatnia aktualizacja: lipiec 06, 2017
Last Downloaded: 9 hours ago
47 Komentarzy
Mod Description
Guess who's back!
,So this is my fourth convert to GTA V, done in a hurry, as always, has most features working, and since i had less time, i only managed to do 2 liveries. Originally a paid mod, managed to get around with the original author to get it for free and public.
But still, it has some perks and those are :
Sometimes, dials won't be visible LOD0 only, many buses will affect performance greatly. (But not as bad as the Vitória, since this one has half the polygon quantity
If those bugs are fine with you , then download it and enjoy something that isn't some rubbish Turkish bus convert.
Bus Features
Everything on the interior works like it should, mirrors reflect realistically, dashboard lights up at night and completely works, incluiding those little lights, and steering wheel fits right on player's hands. The model burns and deforms correctly, with the engine's area more black than the interior, and the interior gets less deformed than the exterior. Breakable glass, and dirt mapping on chassis and windows.
Almost every feature of the GTA V bus is on my Viale! Well, except the feature of opening the boot and bonnet, because there's nothing behind 'em....
You won't need to change dials
Managed to use original bus dials with no problem, instead of using taxi's dials.
Real size, similar to original GTA V bus.
The player enters the bus correctly by the front doors, and even uses the stairs behind the doors! Small details...
Original 3D model, GTA SA/OMSI convert : FLD Design
GTA V Convert : SerranitaMods
Feel free to share or to modify my mod, while keeping credits!
Hope that you enjoy my mod! I don't care about setting a PayPal page, the only way to support me, is by sharing my mods!
Mod Description
Guess who's back!
,So this is my fourth convert to GTA V, done in a hurry, as always, has most features working, and since i had less time, i only managed to do 2 liveries. Originally a paid mod, managed to get around with the original author to get it for free and public.
But still, it has some perks and those are :
If those bugs are fine with you , then download it and enjoy something that isn't some rubbish Turkish bus convert.
Bus Features
Almost every feature of the GTA V bus is on my Viale! Well, except the feature of opening the boot and bonnet, because there's nothing behind 'em....
Managed to use original bus dials with no problem, instead of using taxi's dials.
The player enters the bus correctly by the front doors, and even uses the stairs behind the doors! Small details...
Original 3D model, GTA SA/OMSI convert : FLD Design
GTA V Convert : SerranitaMods
Feel free to share or to modify my mod, while keeping credits!
Hope that you enjoy my mod! I don't care about setting a PayPal page, the only way to support me, is by sharing my mods!
Dodano: lipiec 06, 2017
Ostatnia aktualizacja: lipiec 06, 2017
Last Downloaded: 9 hours ago
hahaha beleza cara, vamos em português então, como eu tentei dizer ali, o painel aqui não estava funcionando, agora estou usando outro modelo, mas depois posso verificar, mas a unica coisa mesmo eram as setas, que vc indicava para um lado e a frente indicava certo e a traseira indicava o contrário, do contrário tá ótimo, perfeito.
Muito obrigado por liberar os Liverys viu? Facilitou demaaais para fazer uma pintura, fiz uma pintura daqui da cidade de São Paulo, logo estará sendo liberado, olhe como ficou:
@wlukaas Muito bom! Voce pode ativar o FLAG_HAS_LIVERY na sub-seção FLAGS da seção BUS do Vehicles.meta, aí dá prá usar até 8 pinturas que vão spawnar no jogo de manera distinta.
O modelo tá desbloqueado se você quiser editar, só conhecimento básico do ZModeler 3 e dá prá remover algumas coisinhas, e deixar o modelo mais BR, considerando que tudos meus ônibus são no padrão do meu pais.
Em outra coisa, aos poucos vou terminando meu Torino 1420...
@SerranitaMods pretendes fazer algum outro modelo de onibus como esse, estou curtindo muito seu trabalho!
Perfect but not realistic Steering Wheel dude. Please make it horizontal. Thank you! :)
@Bahar Necla I know it should be more horizontal, but if i do that, hands won't be on the steering wheel...
Also, it should be bigger, but GTA V devs didn't cared about adding a custom animation for a real bus steering wheel.
@SerranitaMods OK! :)
Quando que vc pretente lançar os Micro Onibus ou esse torino g6?
@MaxGta Tive problemas com minha cópia de Zmodeler3 (esperas de 1minuto só pra editar coisa pequena), e também com o meu computador, assim que formatei ele. Tenho alguns projetos guardados, e agora que já não tenho mais exames ou tarefas do colégio, vou tentar terminar eles.
Agora vou postar correções prá o Corsa, o Tronador e o Viale, que tenho desde Novembro sem terminar de arrumar. (Passageiros, setas, espelhos, apariencia)
Os projetos que eu tentei durante o segundo semestre (e que agora vou terminar, ao menos 3)
-Neobus Spectrum Road 330
-Neobus Mega
-Marcopolo Gran Viale, articulado Volvo
-Inrecar OF-1318
-Busscar Vissta Buss
-Chevrolet Corsa Classic
Possivelmente esqueci de algum outro.
@SerranitaMods Assim entendi amigo que bom que agora vc vai conseguir terminar os modelos. Eu acho você o melhor mod de onibus que tem aqui para GtaV nao fosse vc n teriamos esses modelos de onibus tão bem detalhados e com essa funçao muilt skins obrigado.
Agora dessa lista que você mostrou aqui traga esses, Busscar Vissta Buss , Neobus Spectrum Road 330 e Neobus mega. E por favor não esquece daquela relíquia lá do VH pinturas o Ciferal Alvorada só vc mesmo pra trazer ele com detalhes. Eu sou louco pra andar com ele no GtaV esse onibus faz parte da minha infância.
@MaxGta Já terminei com o Inrecar 1318, tem até retrovisor 100% funcional, agora vou pelo Alvorada...
Acho que ambos deveriam de tar no sítio antes de terminar o ano.
Obrigado Serranita fico no aguardo desses belos onibus.
Serranita você ainda vai lançar o Marcopolo Torino G6? Qual sua previsão de mais lançamentos de ônibus?
Excelente labor! Gracias!
Serranita tu abandonou os Mods? =/ vocé era o melhor moder de onibus aqui Gta V. =(
Bus qlo perfecto
Tengo algo que molesta, los asientos estan muy brillosos... que podria ser?
por que cuando choco el juego se pone lento un segundo?
esse onibus tem base sem skin pronta?