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there is problem, this thing is conflict with car persistence(from ImNotMental) it just dont allow to show message to save my car
tell me please, i use only this mod, how to decrease a car to spin over on turns?
works fine(despite little glithces) but it caused bug at "chop" mission, franklin and lamar just standing b4 red bike and chase dont starts
cant understand what happened, mod worked fine, and then i reinstalled my mods completely(removed some), and this mod started to throw me native error, as i said all requirements r complete, very weird and pity but its still 5/5
somehow i started to get native error, despite my game and scripthook r updated
@Adoubleum same problem here, script hook is 1604
update your mod please, cause its must have thing
поправьте свет пожалуйста, а так мод классный
очень прошу, сделайте аддон-версию, пожалуйста